Importing Audio

From Pummel Party Mod Documentation
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The Pummel Party Mod Editor allows the import of custom files for your mod. Custom Audio Clip Assets can be used to place music or sound effects in your mod. See below table for supported formats.

Supported File Formats

Format Extension Information
WAV .wav Waveform Audio File Format.

How To Import Custom Audio

The import asset button.
  1. Open the Mod Editor.
  2. Load a mod project from the file menu or create a new mod.
  3. At the bottom of the screen find the 'Asset Browser' window.
  4. In the file browser window you will see the 'Import Asset' button, click this.
  5. You will have the option of what type of asset to import, select 'Audio'.
  6. Using the windows file browser, navigate to the audio file you want to import.
  7. Your audio clip should now show up as a useable asset in the 'Asset Browser' window under the 'Custom/Audio' folder.