Play Tween Animation Action

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An action to move a gameobject using a simple, eased motion. This action is best used for one-time motions between two points, or rotations/scales between two values.

Component Settings

Property Description
Type The attribute of the gameobject to be animated. Can choose from Position, Rotation and Scale.
Ease Type What type of easing should the motion use. This affects the speed of the motion over time. Linear appears rigid with constant animation while the ease in/out options will slow the animation at the start/end of the animation.
Time How long should the animation take, in seconds.
Start Type The position/rotation/scale at the start of the animation. Current uses the object's current value. Specific allows a specific value to be entered and used. Offset uses the current value with an offset applied.
End Type The position/rotation/scale at the end of the animation.