Capsule Collider Component

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The capsule collider component is a Physics Component that creates an invisible, solid, capsule-shaped volume.

Component Settings

The Capsule Collider component in the Inspector Window and Scene View.
Property Description
Center The center of the capsule volume.
Radius Distance from the center of the capsule to the edge.
Height Distance from the bottom of one curved end to the top of the other.
Direction The "up" direction of the capsule. This is the axis that is affected by Height.

Example Usage

Invisible objects

You may want to create an invisible platform as a challenge in a minigame.

Smoothing out collision on a complex object

You may have a collection of Prop Component objects in the scene with complex collisions. Instead of using the mesh of these props, you can disable their collision and replace it with a single or a few capsule colliders.