Introduction to the Mod Editor

From Pummel Party Mod Documentation
Revision as of 21:40, 24 October 2022 by RBDev (talk | contribs) (Initial content)
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So you want to make workshop mods for Pummel Party? Great! The mod editor will be your tool to do so.

The mod editor UI and functionality is based on the Unity Editor, so if you’re familiar with game development using that platform, you’ll have no problem understanding the mod editor. If you don’t have Unity experience, read on to learn about what the various windows are for.

All objects within a mod that have a position in space are called Gameobjects. These gameobjects can be structured into a hierarchy within the mod. Gameobjects can have Components attached to them. Components provide the gameobject with some kind of logic or functionality.

Basic workflow

  • Create gameobjects in the hierarchy
  • Position and preview gameobjects in the scene view
  • Add and configure components to gameobjects via the inspector
  • Edit the Mod Settings as required
  • Playtest the mod in the mod editor
  • Publish the mod to the Steam Workshop

If you need custom assets to use with a component, you can add them from the Asset Browser



The Hierarchy Window contains the list and structure of all gameobjects in the mod. It also contains a special object at the top of the hierarchy that contains the settings specific to the current mod. Clicking on any object in the hierarchy will select it in the hierarchy, the scene view and the inspector windows.


The Inspector Window is where you can add and configure components attached to gameobjects.

Scene View

The Scene View shows a 3D view of the mod.

Asset Browser

The Asset Browser lets you view and select any built-in or custom Mod Assets.


The Logs Window lets you see any errors from the game.

Publishing a mod to the Steam Workshop

Once you’ve finished creating your masterpiece you can submit it to the steam workshop for others to download and play. You can even play your mods online! <image showing where to find publish button to open workshop settings> You can begin the publishing process by choosing File > Publish to Steam Workshop. <image of workshop settings popup, with numbers beside different sections> These values can be changed at any time, even after publishing.

Property Description
Title The name as it appears on the Steam Workshop. This can be different to the name of the mod as it appears in-game.
Description The description to be shown on the Steam Workshop.
Language The language primarily used by any text within your mod.
Visibility The visibility of your mod when published to the Steam Workshop. Only mods set to Public will show up in the in-game mod browser and on the Steam Workshop. Mods set to Unlisted can be shared with others directly, but do not show up in searches. Private mods can only be seen and accessed by the author.
Tags Tags to help users when filtering for mods to play. Some tags will automatically be applied, such as the mod type, but you can choose to add up to three additional tags.
Square Preview This is the preview image shown to others who browse the steam workshop, and the pummel party mod browser.
Preview images/videos You can add any number of custom images and Youtube video links here to help convince other players that your mod is worth playing! These are displayed only on the Steam Workshop page.
Mod Validation Your mod must pass validation before it can be published to the Workshop. The validator will appear if there are any warnings or errors that should be fixed.
Change notes If updating an existing mod, you can add some change notes to describe the updates. Does not appear for new mods.

Updating a mod after it has been published

You are free to update your mod once published. You can do this by making changes to your mod, then choosing File > Publish to Steam Workshop. Now at the bottom of the window a section to add change notes will appear. Here you can describe what you have changed. Once you’re ready you can press Update and your changes will be published to the Steam Workshop. Anyone who has subscribed to your mod will have the new version automatically downloaded the next time they start the game.